Gawler Homes Sold – April 24th 2023 too July 25th 2023

Every month Gawler East Real Estate will give an insight to the number of homes that were sold in the Gawler East suburb and the Gawler 5118 district. We will show the average price for a 3 and 4 bedroom dwelling and plot this increase or decrease every month to show potential home sellers what they could get now and into the future.

Gawler East Real Estate has taken data off to get these insights. We will also be collecting data such as what was the price the Agent thought the home would sell for versus what was the market was prepared to pay.

As of 25/7 and looking back 3 months – the breakup of sold homes were
• 67 house sales
• 22 residential land sales
• 10 unit or townhouse sales

Lets first look at the 3 bedroom home and omit factors such as the age of the home, the amount of parking, bathrooms and land size. In other words this is a very rough insight to what is selling and therefore should only be used as a guide.

3 Bedroom Home Statistics For Gawler East

The cheapest 3 bedroom home sold within the Gawler East District was for the value of $475,000 at 10 Ronin Court, Gawler East

10 Ronin Court, Gawler East Home Picture

With the most expensive being at 21 Corke Road, Gawler East @ $615,000

21 cork road, gawler east property pic

There were also four other homes sold within this period with the sale prices being $535,000, $540,000, $570,000 and $608,000.

This means out of the six homes the average price was a bit of $557,000

3 bedroom home stats for gawler

3 Bedroom Home Statistics For The Gawler District

The cheapest home within the 3 month period being sold within Gawler was at 40 Marsh Avenue, Gawler South for a value of $269,000

40 Marsh Avenue, Gawler South SA 5118

And the most expensive was also in Gawler South, at 25th Second Street, bringing in a for sale price of $663,000.

25 Second Street, Gawler South, SA 5118

There were 12 other homes sold and the average price for all fourteen homes was $486,000

4 Bedroom Home Statistics For Gawler East

The cheapest 4 bedroom home that was sold within Gawler East occurred on the 12th May for a sale price of $505,000 located at 41 Coombe Street.

41 Coombe Street, Gawler East, SA 5118

The most expensive property got handed in on May 27th for $907,000 – located at 8 Lally Drive

8 Lally Drive, Gawler East, SA 5118

Adding 9 more homes over this period gave an average of $654,400 sale price.

4 bedroom stats for gawler

4 Bedroom Home Statistics For The Gawler District

The cheapest home that got sold from the 24th of May to 25th of July 2023 within the Gawler District was at 1 & 2/28A Murray Road, Willaston, SA 5118 for $460,000

28A Murray Road, Willaston, SA 5118

And the most expensive went for $1,220,000 at 112 Calton Road, Kalbeeba, SA 5118

112 Calton Road, Kalbeeba, SA 5118

Taking into consideration another 14 properties the average price for the Gawler district excluding Gawler East was $723,100

You will notice that Gawler East has a lower average price for a 4-bedroom home than that of Gawler itself.

This is due to large expensive properties located in Kalbeeba being sold over this period.

If these 3 homes were taken away from the results the price would lower to $638,400.

Next month we will give a brief insight to the homes sold and may reflect on this data to look at any trendlines that show themselves.

Thanks for reading – cheers Andrew from Gawler East Real Estate.

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