The information contained in this website is general purpose information only. You are responsible and legally liable for your activity, use of and conduct on this website. We try and update data regularly, no guarantee or warranty is given that all of the information is up to date or correct. Under no circumstances should the information provided in this website be relied upon or used as a substitute for legal, financial, real estate or any other forms of decision making. Do not use any data on this site to make any decisions which may affect you financially or impose legal obligations upon you. If you do decide to use data from this site to make a decision, please contact Gawler East Real Estate. If speaking verbally to a member of the organisation make sure to obtain their full name, and time/date of the call. Ask the representative to verify the accuracy of the information you have seen. Unless you have such particulars of the person with whom you speak, no liability whatsoever will be accepted by Gawler East Real Estate – which disclaim all liability and responsibility, including for negligence for any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by any person or entity as a consequence of relying upon any information on or received from this website.

To cover yourself legally, try and get any information in writing and so an email trail will be the best way forward.

Response to Complaints

Complaints will be processed in a timely and efficient manner. Gawler East Real Estate is committed to ensure that complaints are resolved promptly and courteously.

Managing our customer’s expectations realistically is one of Gawler East Real Estates goal. This involves the careful analysis of each complaint and a resolution offered as soon as practicable.

Where necessary, you will be kept informed of the progress of your complaint.

If Gawler East Real Estate has exhausted the channels available to it under these Terms, you may escalate your complaint to the Fair Trading Office in your State, or the ACCC.

For any complaints please contact Gawler East Real Estate via email @

Or send a letter too

Gawler East Real Estate

1 Lewis Avenue

Gawler East, South Australia 5118

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